Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Sometimes I wonder what I could do to be richer, to be successful, to be thinner, stronger, faster, but more importantly I always want to be happier. I long for days that I can rest my head and know that everything is alright. That everyone I love is close to me, happy and healthy. I often think of ways to make myself better in aspects of my life, sadly I almost never come through with my hopes and dreams. For some reason, there is always something setting me back, and today I have finally found what the is: ME! There is nothing and no one in this world that could cause the delay of the realization of my dreams, I am the CEO of my own life and it is far time that I take things into my own hands and fix all negative parts of my life. It sounds impossible at first, but it is a challenge I am willing to take no matter what! From this moment on I will keep a public journal of my deepest hopes and dreams, and record all of my actions and work towards the achievement of my goals. This time I will push myself harder, and truly fight for my happiness. This is not to say that I am extremely depressed and unhappy, rather that I am not satisfied with certain aspects of my life, and will do whatever it takes to have a GREAT life. A life that I share with the love of my life, our families, and hopefully and family of our own someday soon. I pledge to make every day better than yesterday! 




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