Friday, June 28, 2013

Zoya ~ Audrina

This nail polish color by Zoya called Audrina is my latest purchase from our local beauty store and I adore it. I honestly can't remember that last time I was so excited to paint my nails with a specific colour and this one is just the perfect shade of creamy deep purple with a slight hint of raspberry. It is so gorgeous that I had to repaint my nails with it for a second time in a row, and that NEVER happens! It only goes to show how unique and gorgeous this colour truly is and I highly suggest everyone to give it a try, I promise you will not be disappointed. 



P.S. This image is not of my nails, I found it on Pinterest and was amazed at the perfect application. Whoevers' image this is, please leave a comment below and share your beauty tips with the rest of us ;)


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