Thursday, November 1, 2012

Letter to Santa!

Dear Santa, 

I have been a very good girl this year. So I took the initiative to write a little early this year since I know you will be extremely busy later on. I don't wish for much this year, just a few things I can find under my tree on Christmas day. Here's my humble wish list Santa: 

1. UGG Bailey Button Tall Black Boots! 
2. Tiffany & Co. Blue Coffee Mugs!
3. Chanel Makeup!
4. Valentino "Valentina" Perfume!
5. Airplane ticket to go visit my family in Canada!

Most importantly I wish to spend this magical holiday with my love and our families. I know that dreams do come true if you really believe in them, so I'll keep wishing and maybe, just maybe, my deepest wishes will truly come to life. 

With all my love, 


P.S. I really do wish for World Peace, so if you can manage to sprinkle some kindness, love, and understanding on your way around the world, I would be grateful forever...


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