Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Vitamins

It would be wrong for me to tell you that I am a very health conscious person, however, I do like to take care of my body and health. And even though there are many temptations that steer me away from a very healthy diet, I try my best to maintain a good body weight, figure, and overall health. To help me in my quest for a healthier and more active lifestyle, I use a few vitamins and diet supplements that help boost my overall well being. Baring that in mind, I have three primary vitamins and herbal capsules that I like to take on a daily basis:
1. One A Day Women's Gummies: Complete adult multivitamin. 

2. Cinnamon: Helps regulate blood sugar and metabolism.

3. Evening Primrose Oil : A direct source of GLA Evening Primrose Oil is great for smooth skin, lustrous, hair, and strong nails, among other things. It is great for hormonal balance, helps support the structure and function of: inflammatory and immune response, glands and organs responsible for hormone metabolism, nerve function, joint health and skin cell production. It is an absolute gem, and my most prized and safe guarded beauty and health secret.
It goes without saying that theses are my personal opinions and choices, and is in no way shape of form a medical advice or promotion. Everyone should consult his/her physician before taking any type of supplements, vitamins and/or medications.
I find that the combination of these three work best for me and provide enough balance for my overall diet. I also try and take things as organic as possible, which in return help me benefit the from these herbs at their purest form available.


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