Monday, August 12, 2013

La Mer Body Tan - Worth It or Not?

Luxury tan is no longer a dream since it appears that the renowned skincare line company La Mer has come out with a lotion for the face and body promising to deliver gradual tan. But for a whooping $85.00 per bottle it is my opinion that the beach should come with it!!! Seriously, I am all for quality beauty products, and often find myself on the brink of bankruptcy due to my undying love for skincare products no matter the cost, but even I have my limits. To be fair, I haven't personally tried this product, nonetheless, an item so versatile and quickly gone through should not cost that much, especially since there are so many other alternatives that do the exact same thing at a fraction of the cost. So here is my question to my sweet readers, where do you draw the line between cosmetic love and obsession, and sheer label love and devotion? Do you buy products for what they are or who they are made by?




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