Thursday, August 1, 2013

Toast To A Better Life

Today's post is a toast to a awesome future. Starting today there will be many changes in my life. Though most of them are related to my mental state and lifestyle there are, nonetheless, very important. Everything from my diet, to my attitude and outlook on life is going to have a strong and drastic change. No more slacking and/or riding through days without any productive and positive outcome. From now on everything matters and each moment of every single day should be spent doing something great.

There is exactly six months left till the end of this year, which means that every moment counts more than ever, so I better get moving. 

Being the first day, I took things moderately, ate well, dressed well, made both of my blog posts, made dinner, went for a walk, and even managed to do minor cleaning around the house. For a start I'll accept today's productivity, but will only continue to better myself every day and surely keep my loyal readers updated on my progress. 




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