Monday, September 3, 2012

Dreams Do Come True....

Dear Reader,

Considering the fact that you have somehow stumbled onto this online documentation of my personal thoughts, secrets, beauty regimes, fashion aspirations, and of course my deepest hopes and dreams, I humbly welcome you to what I consider to be a new and exciting chapter in my life. I hope to share with you my ideas, tips and tricks related to all aspects of femininity, beauty, love, health, happiness, class, and couture. Throughout my future posts I will discuss issues that are close to my heart, life lessons I have learned thus far, and mostly things I aspire to do, achieve and become.

I do not consider myself to be a professional in these fields, simply an admirer of life's wonders and a hopeless romantic. This blog is created with the simple intent to share my knowledge on love, life and beauty. I truly believe that true happiness is in the hands of the beholder. As such, regardless of life's harsh realities and turn of events, I choose not to loose faith and work hard towards the accomplishments of my goals and dreams. I am quite sure that dreams do come true, simply because with enough faith, determination and hard work almost anything is possible! 



P.S. It's going to be a fun journey, filled with love, laughter and pretty pink things!!!


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