Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Among my many passions is one for luxurious interior design and decor. Ever since I got married two years ago, I got the chance to really pursue my passion whilst decorating our new home. I was so excited for our new endeavours as husband and wife, and made sure that our home really brought out both our personalities and taste. Lucky for me my hubby is very easy going, and let's me choose everything, you can imagine how happy that makes me! :) 

That being said, I love all things luxurious. It is my belief that the better the quality the longer it will withstand the test of time, all the while staying within the set budget. I want to emphasize an important point here, which is to each their own, honestly take your time and choose carefully. It is not a competition, take whatever you have and utilize it to your advantage (more on the issue of proper budgeting in future posts). So I chose my furniture, appliances, and everything in between according to my standards. I adore the colour pink, so that was a given, however considering the fact that I was now living with a man, I toned it down with the pink obsession and choose that colour scheme for my kitchen. Everything else, was very classic, timeless, chic, with baroque and venetian inspirations. Decorated with mirrored vanities, armoires, and chests it is exactly how I always envisioned my first home to be. 

This picture of a mirror is a perfect representation of my taste of choices of decoration for my own personal humble abode. I do now own this specific masterpiece, it is surely on my list of things to acquire in the future. I love the intense detail and work all around the mirror. It reminds me of an ancient time, perhaps in Paris, with a princess standing in front taking a glimpse of herself before going to the ball in honour of her birthday, where she will dance the night away with her prince... 




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