Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Make A Wish

One of my favourite things to do is make lists about everything and anything. Seriously, I make lists for almost everything in my life... things I have to do, things I want to get, places I want to visit, books I want to read, groceries, resolutions, expenses, bills, even this list goes on and on. Nonetheless, I enjoy this habit of mine, so much so that I go over all the lists I have multiple times a day, constantly making adjustments and adding new items to my ongoing chain of hopes, dreams and responsibilities. Among them is one that I cherish the most, the one that holds my most desired and highly anticipated wishes. 

They are as follows:

10. Get to my initial healthy weight of 115 lbs!
9. Meet Celine Dion!
8. Travel to Paris with my husband!
7. Be completely depth free by my 30th Birthday!
6. Have the wedding of my dreams!
5. Be the proud owner of a luxurious Day Spa!
4. Buy my dream house!
3. Reconcile with my parents!
2. Become a mother!
1. "No measure of time with my husband will be long enough. But we'll start with forever."




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