Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Clarisonic Mia

There are thousands of reviews on the breakthrough in the skincare industry know as the Clarisonic. This is my personal version and it's pretty simple: GET IT!

One of my all time favourite presents was for Christmas of 2010, when my husband gave me the greatest gift of all (well besides his love), he surprised me with a Clarisonic Mia! I had wanted to purchase one for years, but never truly believed in the hype and reviews that it had received. Little did I know, this single  device would change my life and my skin forever. It has been a year and a half since my first use and I cannot, for the life of me, cleanse my face without it. I use it once a day, mostly during my morning shower, and enjoy ever second of it. My skin feels refreshed, clean, smooth, and rejuvenated after every single use. With a touch of my favourite cleansing Milk (Lancome Comforting Milky Creme Cleanser), and water I am immediately transformed to a mini spa, where my skin is the guest of honour and my inner beauty addict delighted. The pre-programmed timer allows me to fully cleanse my face without over exfoliating. 

Now I am well aware that this luxury does not come cheap, nonetheless, it is worth every single penny and more. It is my belief that there is no price on beauty, and even though there are limits to everything a little self indulgence never hurt anyone. If you cannot afford to purchase it right away... then by all means save up for it. Remember, companies such as Sephora, Ulta, and Amazon are constantly running promotions that help even the savviest budgeter.  I promise it would be the best investment you ever make as far as your skin is concerned. 




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